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荷兰诚信出行成立10年见证和伴随了华人旅游业10年的发展历程。是阿姆斯特丹一家具有经营出 境、入境、旅游资格的欧盟承认的运营公司,是荷兰从事旅游,综合实力最强的专业公司之一, 是荷兰的A级信誉公司。我们在荷兰以及欧洲各国拥有众多的专业可靠的长期业务合作伙伴,我 们的车队成员都是经过严格考核,专业培训后才可以拿到司机卡。为了保证行程的顺利进行每位 司机会严格遵守荷兰当地规定的作息时间,有效地避免疲劳驾驶的现象。同时每辆持有蓝牌手续 的车辆都有跟其他车辆不一样的高额意外保险,此保险包含每位客人以及客人随身物品或行李。

我们业务涉及荷兰当地旅游,接送机,出行翻译,荷兰出境游如周边欧洲国家比利时,法国,德 国,卢森堡旅游,搬家和物流五大领域。我们可以为您提供,包车服务,导游,餐厅预订,景点 门票预订等,我们可以为您行程设计,私人定制,商务活动,展会接送,VIP定制,豪华车型出 租,大小型公务团等各种用车要求。经验丰富的车队,多语种的司导-国语粤语英语,以及亲民的价格为您服务到位。 

The 10-year history of Holland Integrity Travel has witnessed and accompanied the 10-year development of the Chinese tourism industry. It is an operating company recognized by the European Union in Amsterdam that has the qualifications for operating outbound, inbound, and tourism operations. It is one of the most comprehensive professional companies in the Netherlands engaged in tourism and is an A-level credit company in the Netherlands. We have many professional and reliable long-term business partners in the Netherlands and European countries. Our team members can only get driver cards after strict examination and professional training. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the itinerary, each driver will strictly abide by the local regulations in the Netherlands to effectively avoid fatigue driving. At the same time, every vehicle with a blue card has a high accident insurance that is different from other vehicles. This insurance includes each guest and the guest's belongings or luggage.

Our business involves the five major fields of local tourism in the Netherlands, airport pick-up and drop-off, travel translation, Dutch outbound tourism such as Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg tourism in surrounding European countries, moving and logistics. We can provide you with chartered car services, tour guides, restaurant reservations, scenic spot ticket reservations, etc. We can design your itinerary, private customization, business activities, exhibition pick-up, VIP customization, luxury car rental, large and small business groups and other car use requirements. An experienced fleet and multiingual driver -mandarin chinsese cantonese and english, affordable prices serve you well.